I'm So Happy When You're Near by The Shaggs | Sheet Music PDF

I'm So Happy When You're Near by The Shaggs | Sheet Music PDF


I prepared this sheet music, however slightly altered, yet based on Dot Wiggin’s original handwritten chart from the 1960s, out of sheer joy for The Shaggs. There were no rests in her chart, and the only half notes ever appeared on the held out guitar chords, while the melody was written as an unbroken string of 1/8 and 1/4 notes with no rests the entire chart. So of course it does not ‘look’ like it sounds nor sound like it looks - no chart ever could sound like The Shaggs. And as far as music goes, charts really really aren’t everything about music (but they keep trying to make you believe they are). Fun for extreme music nerds like me. If you enjoy The Shaggs and would like to learn to play this song, please subscribe to my YouTube Channel for tutorials on playing The Shaggs on piano, plus fun videos of me touring and recording with The Shaggs / The Dot Wiggin Band (dreams do come true!), and other fun stuff like my ‘serious’ music.

Be well -



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